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When we “Walk Exodus,” 400 years beyond Genesis, our family of seventy names is forged into a priestly nation. Construction takes time, as our journey winds through bondage, plagues, a parted sea, and wilderness. Every Passover, we recall this exodus story, for we also were redeemed by the mighty hand of God. At Sinai, God speaks! He covenants to dwells among us. Even today, He transforms the...

Seeing and Trembling Shvi’i Exodus 20:18–26(15–23 תנ״ך) “All the people experienced the thunder, the lightning, the sound of the shofar, and the mountain smoking. When the people saw it, they trembled …” —Exodus 20:18 (15תנ״ך) Impossible as it may seem, Jewish tradition claims that the people actually “saw” thunder. “V’chol ha’am ro’im et ha-kolot (and all the people seeing voices/ thunder)” describes this mindbending experience (Ex. 20:18(15 תנ״ך)). Bullinger [p. 135] calls this “seeing” a zeugma,
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